Tesco was founded in the UK in 1919 and has since become a global grocery chain with locations across Europe and Asia. It is a leading grocer in Malaysia and is known for its weekly catalogue featuring promotions. The grocery store chain digitised its weekly catalogue and introduced an automated experience on Messenger, leading to a 4X increase in catalogue views versus other channels and a 13% decrease in general enquiries to the customer service team.
To transform its strategy for its circulars in Malaysia to be less reliant on printed material, Tesco began testing online solutions that would be simple and easily accessible for its customers.
To distribute a digital catalogue of its weekly promotions, Tesco worked with Facebook Marketing Partner AiChat. Together, they created an experience for Messenger that gave people the opportunity to download the catalogue, subscribe to receive updates and make enquiries for things such as information about store locations.
After building and integrating the Messenger-powered digital assistant, Tesco ran a campaign with ads that click to Messenger. The grocery chain targeted ads to a Custom Audience of people who had subscribed to receive updates through Messenger, as well as to a lookalike audience based on people who had interacted with the ads. In addition, Tesco delivered sponsored messages in Messenger to subscribers, automatically alerting them to new digital catalogues and other promotions.
Tesco built the experience for Messenger with digital catalogue delivery in mind, but because the automated flow included information regarding general enquiries, the company’s customer service team also saw a decrease in queries through the call centre and email because people were getting answers to their questions via Messenger.
By introducing an experience for Messenger, Tesco not only provided electronic catalogues to customers, but also increased customer service efficiency. Between June and October 2019, it earned the following results:
● 54% of people who contacted Tesco via Messenger viewed and downloaded the digital catalogue
● 4X increase in digital catalogue views from Messenger compared to those from email marketing
● 85% of enquiries were handled by the Messenger-powered digital assistant
● 13% decrease in general enquiries to the customer service team compared to call centre hotline