The 3-months journey has been a truly fruitful one. I had the opportunity to join AiChat as an intern from the NUS Overseas Colleges programme. Being a year 1 Business Administration student with next-to-zero technical skills, I was surprised that an AI Chatbot startup with its business so deeply intertwined with technology would hire me. Nonetheless, it was a challenge that I relished to further develop myself in areas that I am lacking in.
I had attended several interviews before AiChat, and many other startups impressed me with their projects and culture. However, AiChat was more. My interview with Sudono (Managing Partner, AiChat Indonesia) resonates deeply within. It felt more like talking to a friend than a supervisor. Beyond the job scope, he candidly shared with me about the culture of AiChat as a startup. The prospect of improving my skill deficits, acquiring first-person understanding of the local culture, all while immersing myself in the startup environment, with team PS4 and card games sessions, convinced me to rank it as the company I want to intern in the most.
Before I knew it, it was my first day of work. The office is minimalistic but highly functional. This was my first experience in a co-working space and I was highly impressed by it. The openness of the office translates to the openness in communication. I choose my seat beside the Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of the company, Siong Wee. He inspired my passion to dive deeper into learning technical aspects of the business and appreciating what AI can do to improve our lives. He is always there to answer my questions and resolve issues. His sheer determination and unyielding work ethic inspired me to give my best effort in my work.
My colleagues were very welcoming and inclusive, treating me as one of them and always offering to help me as I adapt to life in Jakarta. In dinners and games, we have fun and interact with each other in a way as though I have been with the company for far longer. Between our jokes and discussions are my deepest gratitude for being so kind to provide help whenever I asked for it, be it work-related or not.
I was under the guidance and supervision of Sudono. He explained to me the tasks that I will be embarking on and brought me to client meetings, providing me a perspective of how the industry works and differs from the school environment. These meetings allow me to reflect on what I learn in NUS Business School and utilize them in real life applications. Theories may change, but the concept behind remains flexible to adaptations and can provide perceptive insights.
At AiChat, I am encouraged to be creative and critical in evaluating the company’s product from multiple perspectives. This gave me the chance to use the interface to build a demonstration chatbot by myself. I also objectively reviewed the company’s product and provided recommendations based on my research of the industry, and customer sentiments and behavior. Sudono was patient and insightful, often holding meetings with me to discuss the practicalities of my ideas and providing sound local knowledge to refine my propositions. He was more of a mentor than supervisor, sharing with me his personal endeavors and advising me in my entrepreneurial pursuits.
My notable milestone projects here include the conceptualization of customized product features to pitch to clients, market evaluation, customers and partnerships sourcing and outreach, and evaluative research on AiChat’s pricing model, among others. I have learned greatly along the way; on both technical and soft skills.
More importantly, this 3-months stint has inspired me to dive into understanding and picking up skills that will complement what I learn in school to make me a more holistic individual, better fitted to challenge the world and make a difference with my social entrepreneurial ambitions. At AiChat, I was not just an intern. I was entrusted with the responsibilities of an employee and afforded learning opportunities.
I felt a sense of belonging as a member of the AiChat family. Thank you, AiChat, for fueling my dreams and blazing the path ahead!We're growing the team! Join us in our mission to build the world best AI-Powered Conversational Experience Platform: