At the recent global Meta Conversations event in Mumbai, a new chapter unfolded as WhatsApp announced a series of updates aimed at expediting interactions between users and businesses right within the chat interface.
WhatsApp is thrilled to introduce 'Flows,' aimed to empower businesses to offer seamless experiences without users ever leaving the chat. Imagine selecting your train seat, ordering a meal, or booking an appointment – all achieved effortlessly within the conversation. With Flows, businesses can create dynamic menus and customizable forms tailored to diverse needs. These new templates will soon be available to businesses worldwide through the WhatsApp Business Platform, ushering in a new era of interactive and efficient customer engagements. According to the FAQ for WhatsApp flows, customers can book appointments, Log in to their accounts, Customize a product that they're interested in, Fill out and submit forms and Sign up for events and promotions
Image: WhatsApp Flow
Image: WhatsApp Payment - Razorpay and PayU
In a move set to simplify transactions, WhatsApp now enables users in India to make purchases directly within the chat. Users can add items to their cart and make payments using their preferred method, be it supported UPI apps, debit or credit cards, and more. Partnering first with partners like Razorpay and PayU, WhatsApp ensures that completing a purchase is as effortless as sending a message, revolutionizing the way we shop online.
Image: Meta Verified Businesses on WhatsApp
WhatsApp is enhancing security and authenticity by introducing 'Meta Verified Businesses.' Now, businesses can undergo a verification process with Meta, guaranteeing users that they are interacting with legitimate entities. Meta Verified status brings a coveted verified badge, superior account support, and robust protection against impersonation. Additionally, verified businesses can enjoy premium features, including the creation of custom WhatsApp pages easily discoverable through web searches and multi-device support for efficient customer interactions. Testing Meta Verified will commence soon with small businesses using the WhatsApp Business app before rolling out to businesses on the WhatsApp Business Platform in the near future.
These transformative updates are a testament to WhatsApp's commitment to empowering businesses, enhancing customer service, and building enduring relationships. Stay tuned for more exciting developments as WhatsApp continues to redefine the way we connect, communicate, and get things done.
If you are ready to leverage business messaging tools to build deeper, stronger connections with your customers, we at AiChat can help you evaluate your needs and find the best way to get started on WhatsApp. Message us to find out more!